HMS M.33: Voices of the Front

The Voices of the Front project was part of the Heritage Lottery funded project Commemorating Gallipoli 1915: The HMS M.33. The project engaged with adults from the local community in the story of HMS M.33, exploring popular culture around the time of HMS M.33’s launch, looking at sea shanties, folk songs and written music.
Project participants worked with award-winning poet Maggie Sawkins to create new material inspired by the stories of HMS M.33, making use of museum artefacts, existing poems, songs, diary extracts, log books, reports and letters as inspiration.
The resulting poems were then edited and recorded, with the resulting audio recordings and live performances then being incorporated into the HMS M.33 opening event. They can be downloaded via this link to the National Museum of the Royal Navy.
Further information can be found on the BBC website.