Sunday 16th October 2016: Poetry on the Spot with Bob Hill and Paul Canon Harris

7.30 – 10pm
Doors 7pm


Bournemouth’s premiere spoken word game POETRY ON THE SPOT comes to Portsmouth with Bob Hill and Paul Canon Harris  sharing their words and setting each other spoken word improv challenges with silly prompts revealed onstage. Expect untranslatable words, bus driving monkeys, boyfriends who look like Hitler and well crafted poems written ‘on the spot’.

4 thoughts on “Sunday 16th October 2016: Poetry on the Spot with Bob Hill and Paul Canon Harris

  1. Thank you for having us as your guests tonight, we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves and we look forward to a T&G road trip to Bournemouth and welcoming you to Poetry on the Spot in its home venue. 🙂


    1. Pilliwinks: A torture involving the systematic crushing of fingers
      Bob Hill
      (Written for Poetry On The Spot show at Tongues and Grooves 16/10/16)

      It’s a little known fact
      that the opening act
      of Tchaikovsky’s first ballet
      was to be the Pilliwink overture.

      Now I’m sure you’ll agree,
      That as horrible as it is
      To contemplate the
      Systematic crushing of a finger
      It is positively benign
      when compared to a Nutcracker.

      But in a moment of whimsy, I digress,
      I confess that that which
      makes me cringe in horror
      leads me to throw up
      a defence mechanism
      of sometimes puerile humour.

      Pilliwinks: the systematic crushing of fingers.

      Used by Pinochet’s Chilean Government
      to silence singers, poets, songwriters,
      to silence potential Nobel Prize winners.
      To silence those who used their hands
      To play the instruments and hold
      the mighty pens of dissent they use
      to notarise and codify the songs and the poems
      of the heaven sent right to fight the power.

      Even if all we use our fingers for
      Is to face those who occupy a power base
      And stick two up whilst saying the words
      I defy…you.

      ©RobertHill 2016


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